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To Be Announced

The 4 International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Statistics 2019 (iCMS2019)
R Workshop:
''Visualization of Tidy Data''
21 - 22 April 2019, Ombak Villa, Langkawi

Speaker : Dr Matthias Templ
Participants should have basic knowledge in R syntax, for example by doing exercises of R package Swirl or by taking an online course on DataCamp. All topics are accompanied by hands-on exercises.
First day:
Data Analysis with R, some basics and warm up
Tidy data and data manipulation with dplyr
The graphics package in R
Second day:
Advanced data visualization with ggplot2
Mapping, Maps with ggmap and leaflet
Special graphics for special problems
Overview on interactive visualisation tools
Web applications with R shiny and markdown
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