To Be Announced

The 4 International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Statistics 2019 (iCMS2019)
Publication Opportunities
All papers will be published. Papers not accepted in journals listed below will be published as Book Chapter with e-ISBN and indexed in Google Scholar.
Authors have the opportunity to choose the most relevant indexed journal listed below to publish full papers. The full papers will be subjected to the journal’s independent review process and final acceptance of publication is determined by the Chief Editor of the respective journal.
Indexed in Scopus
Indexed and listed in WoS ISI, Scopus, DOAJ, Scimago (Impact Factor via Publish or Perish: 0.775)
Web ScienceTM Core Collection - Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI), RePec, DOAJ, Index Copernicus International, EBSCO
CPLT focuses on best practices of any subject teaching and learning in the classroom. It is biannual and publishes in May and November each year. The journal is indexed in MyCite by the Malaysian Citation Centre.
* Papers submitted to the above-indexed journal might incur an extra minimal publication charge subjected to the requirement of the journal.
Previous Conference
Proceedings of (iCMS2017) can be accessed via
Proceedings of (iCMS2015) can be accessed via
"Since it was launched online on November 24th 2016, a total of 4633 chapter downloads were made from this proceedings. Thus making it the top 25% most downloaded e-book in 2017" - Springer
Chapter in Book (iCMS2015) - Quest for Research Excellence on Computing, Mathematics and Statistics
(e-isbn: e978-967-0314-63-1) indexed by google scholar
Selected papers published in Romania Statistical Review can be accessed via