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Prof. Dr. Yap Bee Wah
Institute for Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence
Universiti Teknologi MARA
“Research and Innovation: Opportunities and Challenges for Academia”
Professor Dr. Yap Bee Wah is a faculty member of the Center of Statistical and Decision Science Studies in Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA. She received the Bachelor of Science (Education)(Hons) degree, majoring in Mathematics from University of Science Malaysia, Master of Statistics from University of California Riverside and PhD (Statistics) from University of Malaya. Her research interests are in Big Data Analytics, Computational Statistics and Multivariate Data Analysis. She was the Head of Advanced Analytics Engineering Centre (AAEC), a Centre of Excellence in Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences from May 2014 - May 2020. She is the conference chair for Soft Computing in Data Science (2015-2019) and is currently a Principal Fellow of Institute for Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (formerly known as Advanced Analytics Engineering Centre).
She is the main and co-supervisor for 17 PhD students and also supervises many Master by coursework student in their final dissertations. She has published numerous articles in Scopus/ISI indexed journals and proceedings. She is also one of the Editors for Soft Computing in Data Science, published by Springer and Indonesian Journal of Computing
and Cybernetics Systems, She is also the Guest Editor for Applied Soft Computing (Q1).
She participates actively in both local and international conferences and also actively conduct statistical workshops (IBM SPSS STATISTICS, IBM SPSS AMOS, PLS-SEM, SAS EMINER and IBM SPSS MODELER).
Dr. Matthias Templ
Institute of Data Analysis and Process Design
Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
“Analysis and Imputation of Missing Values”
Dr Matthias Templ works at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, is the owner of the company data-analysis OG and he is additionally assigned to the Vienna University of Technology. He obtained his PhD and habilitation at Technical Mathematics and Statistics from the Vienna University of Technology. His main research interest is in the area of imputation, statistical disclosure control, visualization, compositional data analysis, and computational statistics. Templ has more than 420 scientific contributions in books, scientific journals and conferences as well as more than 60 papers in well-known indexed scientific journals. He is the author and maintainer of several R packages, such as the VIM package for visualization and imputation of missing values. In addition, Dr. Matthias Templ is the editor-in-chief of the Austrian Journal of Statistics. Currently, he also granted a fellowship of the Canton of Zurich for data anonymization.
Assoc. Prof. Antoniade-Ciprian
Vice Rector
Scientific Research and International Relations
Ecological University of Bucharest
“Smartcity Development and Implementation in Romania”
Ciprian ALEXANDRU PhD., Associate Professor at the Ecological University of Bucharest and Vice-rector on Research activities. He was invited as Keynote speaker with the topic “Reproducible Research with R”, in 2015, to the International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Statistics (iCMS2015) Malaysia.
As a trainer of National Institute of Statistics, he worked with various private clients, like telecom and banking industries, but also with public institutions, into training on the job system, starting from understanding their data and the business itself, identifying their needs for analyzing the data, to building models. Training activities held in National Centre for Training in Statistics from Bucharest: “Data Analysis in Statistics with R”; “The course Introduction to Statistics - Applications in R”; “R Statistical Software – Presenting Advantages of its use for Data Analysis”; “Statistical Analysis – from Theory to Practice”; “Concepts, Models and Techniques for Data Analysis” (http://r-project.ro/training.html). He worked as a trainer for EUROSTAT and UNDP.
He participated in various research projects (including Eurostat), workshops, national and international conferences. His research activity was commissioned in value by publishing studies in journals in Romania and in Europe, as well as in international databases (ISI Thomson, DOAJ, EBSCO, RePEc. His research papers and articles are also published in prestigious peer-reviewed publications.
Muhammad Hazlan Hamdan
Head of Data Analytics, MISC
Chief Data Scientist, Asian Data Science
Chief Data Scientist, uVerify
Data Science Trainer
“Hidden Gem in Talent Market Place”
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Mathematics
Diploma in Quantitative Sciences
Data Scientist - The CADS
Data Science Specialization
Machine Learining
EMC Data Science & Big Data Analytics
Dr Gerald Cheang
Senior Lecturer
Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
University of South Australia
“A History of Exchange Option Pricing Models”
Dr Gerald Cheang is currently Senior Lecturer at UniSA: STEM at the University of South Australia in Adelaide. He completed his BSc (Hon) degree at Auckland University and obtained his MA PhD at Yale University. His research interests are in the areas of Financial Mathematics, Stochastic Processes, Financial Economics and Approximation Theory. Prior to his appointment at the University of South Australia, he has taught at the National Institute of Education and at the Nanyang Business School (Nanyang Technological University) in Singapore. He has authored research articles in journals such as the Journal of Approximation Theory, Applied Mathematical Finance, Quantitative Finance and the International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance. He also supervises doctoral candidates in the area of Financial Mathematics at the University of South Australia. He is also associated with the Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics at the University of South Australia.
Keynote Speakers

​Prof. Dr. Yap Bee Wah

Dr. Matthias Templ
Invited Speakers

Assoc. Prof. Antoniade-Ciprian

Muhammad Hazlan Hamdan